Taking Personal Inventory with Shonda Rhimes Year of Yes
I love reading. It all started when my Mother would read to me every night a book from either my Berenstain Bears or Goldern Era book collection, either way I got a story read to me. From there like most little girls I began my first pre-teen book collection with the Babysitters Club books. By the time I got into high school I was reading lots of the “hood books”. So you can see I’ve always been an avid reader. So much that I minored in English in college. As I’ve gotten older, learning about myself and the paths I aspire to take I began reading less fiction and more motivational, self help, business, and networking books. Which brings us to Shonda Rhimes, Year of Yes, book and why I chose to make this my next read.
Most people don’t know how much of a introvert I am. It may sound strange to those who are familiar with me as blogger that has written about personal situations, heartbreak, etc for the world to read; or those who know me from being an online radio personality where you share a apart of yourself with listeners all over the world. But little did they know I am the girl with big dreams, an abundance of creativity, but an immeasurable amount of shyness, fear of speaking in public, and the most damaging of all hindering my potential of opportunities by always making up an excuse not to go out and network face to face. So when I learned about Shona Rhimes inspiration behind Year of Yes I knew I had to read it. It was finally time start getting over my FEAR of speaking to people face to face, to finally BREAK out of that only child shyness syndrome, and STOP making excuses to not go out and network with other like minded women.
This year is my year of taking personal inventory and growth and you all will be joining me on this journey. Topshelf Society will be taking a little bit of a different direction but not to fret. I’ll be adding more content on various subjects, not just fashion. I’m no longer giving you surface Summer. If I intend to live a true Topshelf Society I need to be honest with myself first. And as a true blogger all of that will be displayed here.
I have to thank my fellow blogger friend Crystal from Her Name is Crystal. She and I have decided to dedicate each month to a book that inspires, motivates, and teaches us the tools to better us as not only women in business but black women in business, to become empowering female leaders, and most of all GREAT WOMEN!
Until then, as always I will keep you updated on this amazing read!