I can’t believe its December already. 2017 is about to be a wrap for and I’m sitting here reflecting on how this year went for me. Well let’s see….
Read more after the jump….
I brought the New Year in on a roadtrip to D.C soaking in the food (first time trying mambo sauce), attending a Washington Wizards game with a surprise concert by Tank and Johnny Gil afterwards, and taking a tour of Fredrick Douglas’ home. I then lost my 9-5 job in March (which I discussed openly here) and promoted in leadership in my beauty & wellness business by April; just a month later. I guess the saying from the good book of Instagram is true “God won’t take you through a loss without following it up with some wins”. He did exactly that too! Now that I had more freedom on time (which I prayed for) I was able to travel more freely. I was able to take overnight and weekend trips to D.C to expand my business, network, and get together with my friends/business partners more. I attended my first mid year business conference in June (on my birthday) while getting personal time with 6 figure GirlBosses picking their brains on tips to grow my business, and also enjoying Sarasota, FL (which I fell in love with). I cannot forget that I traveled to Jamaica for the first time to witness a business partner turned SisterFriend get married to the man of her dreams. This was just all up into the month of August you guys!
The point I’m getting at is that me losing my primary source of income did not send me into a fret because I had a backup plan called residual income. We don’t like to hear it but as much as we think our jobs provide a sense of security it really doesn’t. At anytime you can be laid off for factors that have absolutely nothing to do with you but more so have to do with a strategic business move. Now I’m not telling you walk out of your jobs today! Some of you probably have found the career of your dreams and love what you do but it never hurts to have a backup plan. Your own business that will yield residual income to invest in businesses that will further build wealth for generations to come. No job is doing that!
I want you to think about your 2018 and what you want it to look like. Then write it down on paper so you can write out the action items or steps it’s going to take to get there. Look at that paper and ask yourself would another stream of income help make these steps easier? If so let’s connect and I’ll show you how you can use being a ItWorks Brand Ambassador to fund your dreams, pay off debt, put your kids through college, pay for your wedding, buy your first home, etc. Whatever that dream looks like, let’s achieve it together.
If this sounds like something you can benefit from text “BRAND AMBASSADOR” to 718-208-4772!
I can’t wait to do business with you!
Xoxo – Summer Terry