I know it’s been a while since I last shared with you my book of the month. I find it very important to feed your brain some positivity through reading vigorously. For the month of October I decided to do an audio book versus reading a hard copy. The book I dedicated myself to was The Four Agreements, A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Peter Coyote. Might I just say that this is one book everyone should read entrepreneur or not.
Read more after the jump…
This book is exactly what it details “a practical guide to personal freedom”. By going in depth on the four agreements this book will no doubt open your eyes and mind to a new thought process. Imagine a life of where you soley make your decisions on what you think and feel. Not by way of things you are taught by society standards. If you’ve every read The Secret you have a grasp at what the first agreement is. The first agreement is strong on your word having power which is the same as manifesting your destiny and creating the life you want. You ever say something bad and then before you know it that very bad thing you spoke into the universe comes to light? That’s you speaking out black magic so stop it now! Instead speak positivity over your life. Speak the things you wish to manifest.
Another thing we all do in life and I know I am guilty of it is taking things too personal. Not until reading this book and really understanding what it truly meant when you take things personal did I realize how much of a selfish act it is. “Taking things personally is the maximum expression of selfishness because we make the assumption that everything is about us.” Let’s face it not everything people do is about you. People do things because they want to. When people talk bad about you, it’s really how they feel about themselves. If you allow yourself to take things personally you are setting yourself up to suffer. Sadly enough people love to suffer; indirectly of course. For example, life can be going great. I mean smooth sailing but not for too long before we crave some drama. Things are too perfect. Some of that is self inflicted and some of that is other people in your surroundings. Wherever you go you will find people who will lie to you. They lie because they are afraid you will see that they are not perfect. It’s up to you to trust yourself and choose to believe or not believe what someone says to you.
The 3rd agreement that I will touch on is to not make assumptions. Assumptions are nothing but opinions but we believe they are truths. Let’s use relationships for example because that’s something I’m sure everyone can relate to. We make assumptions in our relationships all day everyday. We make assumptions that our partners should be mind readers because they know us so well, we make assumptions when they don’t tell us something to fulfill our need to know and replace our need to communicate, or we make assumptions because we’re too chicken shit to ask questions. And the most dangerous of all is assuming your love for someone will change them for the better. Been there, done that! STOP THE MADNESS!!! Listen to stop the cycle of assumption we must communicate and ask the questions we want the answers to, however ugly the answer may be. We also have to understand that if others change its because they want to change. It’s not because you’re a good woman, you make the best fried chicken, or give the best back rubs, lol. It’s better off to find someone that you don’t have to change and in return someone who loves you the way you are.
Lastly, my fave agreement is to ALWAYS DO YOUR BEST! This is the action for the other 3 meaning your best will change over time. Like I said in the beginning we are taught to do things by societies standards. Once we start adapting and implementing the four agreements into our daily life your best will become better than it used to be.
I honestly recommend everyone read this book. If not read listen to the audio version as I did. It will expand your mind and cause you took look at situations, people and yourself differently. Look out for my November book of the month. I have two great choices and I know it’s something you all will be able to benefit from me sharing.
Until then,
xoxo – Summer Terry