GOOD READS: THE LITTLE BLACK BOOK OF SUCCESS: Laws of Leadership for Black Women
I know I’m few days late on announcing book 4 of 2016 but boy do I have the perfect selection for my women on the rise!
Keep reading after the jump….
This months’ selection is something I’m sure every black woman whether climbing the corporate ladder, venturing into entrepreneurship, or just seeking out the leadership skills you have within that you don’t know you have will need. The gems given are from 3 widely successful black women whose faced their own plights in the professional arena as not only women but black women in a not only male but predominately white male business world. Yea I said it!
Elaine Meryl Brown, Marsha Haygood, and Rhonda Joy McLean have penned for us The Little Black Book Of Success: Laws Of Leadership For Black Women. As a full time corporate America worker and part time entrepreneur (really full time lol) I thought this book would be vital in both sectors of my journey as I’m sure with others. I especially wanted to take everything I will learn and apply it to my businesses effectively. I hope that you will take this month’s book conquest with me and apply the gems to your life. As always you can keep up with my take on the book this month through my various social media sites:
Facebook: Summer ‘TopshelfDiva” Terry
Snapchat: @iamSummerTerry
Enjoy your journey through these pages!
xoxo – Summer Terry