To be in my mid thirties and still have skin like a twenty year old is something I invest in everyday. I can honestly say I spend way more money on skincare products than I do makeup. If you’d ask me to do a full write on my fave eyeshadow palettes or contour kits you’d get nothing but a blank screen. However, ask me anything from cleansers, emulsions, masks, and moisturizers and I won’t be able to stop writing. As in the case with this blog post! I’ll be going over with you my fave serums I’ve been using to maintain my youthful glowing dewy skin that I’ve shared in my Instagram stories that garner so many questions in my DMs.
First let’s start off with the a skin myth that I’m glad I threw out the window. I have combination/oily skin and with that I would always try to steer clear of oils and moisturizers because I thought it would just make my skin oiler. It wasn’t until I began to immerse myself into learning about my skin that I realized I was actually causing it to be more oiler due to lack on moisture it was getting so my skin would over produce seabum (oil secretions).
Now I have a whole 9-10 steps of lather on goodness that keeps my skin hydrated. Of those steps at least 1 of them are adding serums. I specifically seek out serums with Vitamin C in it. Let’s dive into the many benefits of Vitamin C for the skin. For starters vitamin C boosts your collagen production which aids in anti-aging. As you get older you lose that look of supple firm skin so increased levels of collagen does not hurt. Secondly, it helps fight free radicals and damage caused by UV radiation, aids in hyperpigmentation, fading of dark spots which thus adds a bightness and more youthful look to your skin. When I found this out I went on a Vitamin C serum rampage and here are the ones currently in my rotation and often applied in conjuction with each other.
The LANEIGE Bright Renew Original Serum helps reduce the appearnce of dark spots and discoloration which come in handy when I mess with pimples and they leave a dark spot smack dab in the middle of my face. It also has green tea extracts that brighten while hydrating the skin that gives you that luminous glow. I’ve been using this serum for well over 6 months and I have noticed a more even skintone, clearer and brighter skin that just looks hydrated and stunning if I may say so myself. The product has since been discontinued at Sephora however if you do a quick search online you can purchase it from may diferrent retailers.
This goodies I found in Marshalls. I had never heard of the Pearlessence brand but like I said I was on a Vitamin C kick and as long as it said Vitaminc C on the label or ingredients I was purchasing it. And I’m glad I did because this Pearlessence Radiance Perfecting Serum with Vitamin C and Hyluronic Acid is THE BEST thing since slice bread! The thin silky clear like texture goes a long way. You only need one drop for a even spread across your entire face. This serum reduces fine lines and wrinkles and even though I don’t have any it doesn’t hurt to get a jump start on those things. It also hydrates and brightens the skin for that luminous look we strive to have. I found it in Marshalls for $6.99 however you know how they do one minute its there and the next minute it’s not. I did find it on amazon here for double the price but having tried it and I’m running low I’d definately pay the $14.
If you’re looking for healthy glowing youthful luminous skin these serums are where it’s at. It also doesn’t hurt that 90% of my beverage intake is water and I switched to a minimally low carb, low to no sugar lifestyle.
Until next time….
Happy Shopping!
xoxo – Summer Terry