Does anyone get excited about popping open a new journal or is it just me? I’ve had this Mytaughtyou LIMITLESS LIVING journal by Myleik Teele since December and waited on purpose to dive in. First let me say if you don’t have any of Myleik’s journals shame on you and secondly you don’t know what you’re missing. Granted its only the first 10 -11 pages where she snatches your edges and gets your life together, but that’s all you need. Hence why I waited until January to open it up!
Read more after the jump…
I don’t believe in New Years resolutions. Let me say that again, I DON’T BELIEVE IN NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS! I do however believe in taking time to reevaluate and assess the prior years’ goals, what I was able to achieve and what I wasn’t able to achieve or how much more I need to do to achieve those goals. That’s what I did in December I made a list of all the things I accomplished in 2017, all the dark things that I went through and all the positive that came from it, and how I stretched myself. I took that and asked God what is that you need me to work on in 2018. I had to be real honest with myself and accept what it is he showed me.
This leads me to the Limitless Living Mytaughtyou journal and its opening pages where Myleik pens lessons and mantras that will help guide us to living limitless. How many of you have rejected the thought of going somewhere or inserting yourself into circles because you felt you didn’t belong? I’m guilty of it. I don’t go in certain stores because it “too expensive”, I don’t attend certain events because I feel like “I’m not at that level yet”, or I don’t put myself in rooms with certain folks because I assume “these women are soo established and I’m just not there yet”. Well to promote limitless living Myliek details an exercise where you erase those imaginary lines of boundaries you’re placing on yourself and go STAND in those places, rooms, events that you can’t imagine yourself in. You can’t live with limits and boundaries and live a life you imagine for yourself no matter how grandiose it may be. Well how do you do that…I’ll tell you how. Stop worrying about failing or looking stupid. Even if you fail at something you fail forward and a lesson is learned. Also be honest with yourself. Ask yourself the hard questions you know you know the answers to but are not accepting of. Celebrate your fears! The moments in life that scare you the most just YOLO it! Fear is a serious drug and it will hold you back from soo many of your blessings. Which leads me into forgiveness. Forgive yourself for your faults and failures for they all come with lessons as I stated above. Most of us are not even afraid of the failure, we’re afraid of the success. The success makes us have to step our game up, makes us assume more accountability, and makes us stand firm in what we dare to want and figuring out how to re-invent and innovate our thoughts to maintain it. That’s a lot of work and let’s face it some of us are too lazy to put in that kind of work. That’s why we throw our money at multiple workshops, and investing in coaching programs that we don’t take seriously because we’re just looking for the shortcut. No mam, that’s not going to work on this here journey. To live limitlessly you also have to change your mindset to a growth mindset. That means you have to understand that talents and abilities are developed over time so you seize every opportunity for growth; being captivated by the process and learning and not the destination.
A lot of what I’ve mentioned above will take lots of growth and development. Things I’ve talked about in my journey as an entrepreneur. One of the many things that Myleik touched on was about a “commitment to lifelong learning”. In school it’s our teachers job to guide our path of education but what happens after you finish school. Do you stop learning, do you stop educating yourself. I personally am an avid reader, constantly listening to podcast on various topics, and opening my mind to things I’ve never been exposed to but always wondered about. Take the time to create discipline to learn something new rigorously. And lastly be kind to yourself with you tongue. What I mean is be mindful of what you say about yourself and or your situation so that you’re not limiting yourself. Examples:
“What if I fail?”
“‘I’ve never done that before?”
“But there’s so many other people doing the same thing.”
“I can’t afford it.”
Live in the power of NOW and instead of spewing out negativity into your life accept where you’re at now and then work with what you do have or what you can do NOW. Here are 10 ways I plan on living limitless in 2018:
- Stay in relationship with God.
- Healthy living at my best inside & out.
- Protect my mental and emotional peace.
- Educate myself on bettering my finances.
- Expose myself to another language and culture.
- See the world.
- Put myself in rooms and circles the woman I’m working on deserves to be in.
- Stretch myself to sharpen my skills and acquire new ones.
- Accept were I am in life, pay attention to the lessons, and use them to move me forward.
- Seize every opportunity. #Takinallshots
If you’d like to get your hands on this Mytaughtyou Limitless Living journal you can do so on the Mytaughtyou website.
How do you plan to live limitless in 2018? Let’s talk about it.
xoxo – Summer Terry
I plan to completely retrain my brain and rid it if any fear. I truly believe that I can be that light in a dark place but first I have to speak life into the King in me. You know a lot of my issues had a lot to do with what I thought of myself. A lot of my situations stayed the same because I didn’t feel deserving of anything better. In 2017 I would watch other ppl get their blessings and feel like I couldn’t do the same, but God has a lane for me as well and I plan to walk in and create it in 2018
AMEN Mere! The first part is believing and you’re doing that. Once you decide and believe in your worth and that God keeps his promises to you know that nobody can take that away.
THIS!! Very well written, I’ve heard so many good things about this journal. I love Myliek and listening to her podcast. I really want this journal but I got a ton of journals for Christmas LOL!!! Beautiful and inspiring blog!!
xoxo Autum
Thank You Autumn, can I just say I love your name. It’s my future baby name I’ve held onto for years. I know what you mean though. I have tones of journals BUT this MytaughtYou Limitless Living journal is something I don’t think you should pass up on. I’m happy you enjoyed the blog; Thank You!
Great post ! Yes, opening a new journal definitely excites me too so you are not alone in this. I have claimed 2018 as my year of personal growth . We spend so much time being reluctant, worried about what others may say or think, that we never give ourselves a chance to live out our full potential. I stepped out on faith with my blog. I’ve opened up about things I’ve never shared with the people around me. I hope that God continues to use you through your words. God bless !
Thank You Simone! You keep sharing and being transparent with your experiences and growth is inevitable. When you block out what others think about you things start to shift. I wish you all the best with your blog and growth my dear.
I loved this review (never heard of her journals until now, sad I know)and I share some of your 2018 goals. Also your site is amazing! Thank you for sharing!
Girl YES! Check out the link at the bottom for her site. Each year every journal has helped me in my life. I really appreciate the compliment of my blog. It’s come a long way. I’m just happy I can create something others love and can relate to.
I love Myleik’s podcast. It was a great help to me professionally last year. Truly aided in my journey to live a mindful life. Mindfulness and meditation definitely helps to shift your mindset. Best of luck to you this yesr
Yes Myleik truly has a gift. Thank you and all the best to you in 2018 as well.
I plan on going to open houses for condo’s and co-ops.
Also I want to have brunch at the four seasons once this year!
This was a dope post!
Brunch at the Four Seasons this spring is a date darling!
Yes to all of this!! I want to stretched myself more this year. I’m focusing on consistency this year. I got to get my hand on that journal. Love your blog girl!!
You’ve already decided Hun. Now just commit! All the best in 2018!!