Today marks 2yrs since I made the decision to become an ItWorks Brand Ambassador. So much has happened during that time that some of you have witness through physical results but what you didn’t get to see are the things I went through along the way. That’s what I’m here to discuss so pull up a seat, get comfortable, and lean in.
Many people have this misconception on Direct Sales or MLMs (Multi Level Marketing) companies. I’m just going to say it…..scam! That’s what people think and if that’s you I’m not here to change your mind I’m just here to share my experience in the business over the past 2 years. First let’s go over why I even joined. I joined because I was at a point in my life where I was not happy in my professional career as Paralegal for a very prestigious credit rating agency in New York City and I was looking for an out. I knew it had to be something I was passionate about as well as organic and genuine to me and my lifestyle to exist with the brand that I was already creating for myself as a Professional Blogger and Influencer. What better way to do that than to find a beauty, health, and wellness line to endorse. I’m no different from a Katy Perry endorsing Cover Girl, Kerry Washington endorsing L’Oreal Paris, or even Lebron James endorsing Sprite! So that’s what I did. I made a business decision to endorse products by using them (like really using them) while documenting my journey and sharing my results (those physical results I referred to) with others in hopes of helping someone else.
As much as I thought I was up for the task or thought it would be a piece of cake, I quickly found out that couldn’t be further than the truth. During the process I learned that I didn’t know jack when it came to really marketing and promoting a product to convert into sales. Especially when there are many other Brand Ambassadors, some who market unethically, cheesy or pushy it perpetuates the scam stigma even further. And because you have soo many sisters in business it’s easy to look at the next person and compare yourself. But you can’t do that for too long because that ain’t nothing but D&D ….the Devil & Distractions. I can tell you that because my first year I struggled and didn’t know what the heck I was doing. I wasn’t confident in my ability, my faith was weak, and I was watching what everyone else was doing and not focusing on what I can do. I had to do some soul searching and figure some personal stuff out before I can really be successful in any other area of my life. For me that meant not just talking to God on days where things weren’t so good and I needed help but everyday. It meant building up my faith and purposely forging a relationship with God. Once I felt like my faith was getting stronger I started auditing my circle. Now that doesn’t mean I got rid of my friends, it just means as I got to learn more about myself and what I wanted for myself and my life I started paying attention to who I spend my time with, on what I spend my time with, and how I spend my time. It’s not a personal attack on anyone but rather personal investment decisions I made for me. In the process I picked up a few new like minded friends and associates that I’ve built real bonds with. I now have a separate circle of friends that I can discuss business with and I’m not looked at as being unrealistic or with blank stares. It was refreshing!
With all those changes taking place inside I started to find my footing in the “who cares what others think or what others are doing” category. Once I put my blinders on, utilized business skills I learned in trainings from other successful people in the company and additional sought after trainings from outside sources I started to find my wave. Anything you do in life you gotta find your wave. It just so happens I was laid off just as I found my wave in ItWorks! I’m big on signs and took it as such. I now had more time to dedicate creating great content for you all, helping more people who reach out to me because I shared what I was lacking in or what my issues were and how ItWorks helped turn it around. I had more time to pour into my mentees, to network and collaborate with other creatives and entrepreneurs. I began to travel more and really start to create this life that I always dreamed of. Have I attained my dream life completely within 2 years? No! But I would not have gotten a taste of it, or be at the brink of it if I had I not joined ItWorks to push me to go beyond the box of what my norm was.
Learn more about what I do and how I help others began to create their dream life through ItWorks here.
Learn more about some of the skincare, hair restoration, and weightless solutions I used over the past 2 years here.
Summer Terry