This week I’m taking a different approach for TopShelfDiva of the Week. Instead of slaying fits we talking HAIR! I going south on y’all and this young lady is making an awesome name for herself as a sought after Hairstylist, Businesswoman, and Entrepreneur. Let me introduce you to Rae Canti!
I found this diamond in the rough almost a year go during my ever so stalking moments on Ming Lee’s, owner of Snob Studio, instagram page. You know how it is, you’re looking on someones page and then before you know it you know the whole crew. I call it research, lol. Anywho, it lead me to Rae Canti.
Rae Canti is a sought after Hairstylist based in Atlanta, GA and she reps that Snob Mobb. She’s incredibly gifted with her hands gracing women with flawless installs, perfectly coiled wand curls, and chic sleek cuts.
Rae Canti knows her talent is a gift but doesn’t just rest on that. She has a great business mindset and uses that to market and brand herself and her name. The Cleveland, Ohio native travels across states facilitating closure classes showcasing the most flawless technique to achieve a natural looking install.
Rae Canti is only 21 years young and when I think of that I’m excited to see what’s more in store for her! Beauty, Brains, Drive, Ambition, and a Hustler Mentality is everything a TopShelfDiva stand for! If you want to find out more about Rae Canti follow her on instagram: @RaeCanti. And if you are in the Atlanta area interested in getting a good slay from Ms. Rae check her out at .
Until next time Divas,
xoxo – Summer
Take peak in my world on my instagram @iamsummerterry