GOOD READS: THE LITTLE BLACK BOOK OF SUCCESS: Laws of Leadership for Black Women
I know I’m few days late on announcing book 4 of 2016 but boy do I have the perfect selection for my women on the rise! Keep reading after the jump….
READ MORE >>I know I’m few days late on announcing book 4 of 2016 but boy do I have the perfect selection for my women on the rise! Keep reading after the jump….
READ MORE >>For the past couple month’s I’ve been on a personal quest to get closer to God. It first began with a need of some constant positivity in my life. Fast forward a few Joel Osteen podcast and T.D Jakes YouTube sermons I decided to invest in a bible of my own. Keep reading after the […]
READ MORE >>It’s about that time again…book 3 of 2016! What better choice than Steve Harvey’s Act Like a Success, Think Like a Success to assist in my personal development of entrepreneurship. Read more after the jump…
READ MORE >>I have been on the search for a camouflage jacket for about 2 years now. My prayers were answered during one of my late night Zara surf sessions. Read more after the jump….
READ MORE >>I love me some K. Michelle but me and her have some serious fashion beef. I have been stalking this ZARA leather jacket for some time now and my dreams are of ever having it were crushed this week. Is it K. Michelle’s fault? No…but I’m just a tad salty because she has it and […]
READ MORE >>For some time now I’ve been looking into getting some sort of skin spin brush for my face. I’ve looked up many different brands and you all know I’m a frugalista so when I found this My Life My Shop Face & Body Brush for a steal I was beyond excited. Check out more […]
READ MORE >>I have been searching all over to find a dupe to these booties ever since Kim strutted on the streets of NYC wearing them with little Northie following in toe. Check out the Yeezy Season 3 Patent Leather dupes I found for I’m sure a fraction of the price Yeezus is selling them for. […]
READ MORE >>It’s been a minute since I’ve brought you a TopshelfDiva. Well I’ve been scouring for some inspiration and I have to admit I’ve been sitting on this beauty, Giselle Daniel. I’m one of those women who doesn’t mind giving another women a compliment, hi-five, and/or a platform. I had been following Giselle on Instagram for […]
READ MORE >>New month, new book! I’m really trying to stick to this a different book every month thing. Reading feeds my soul. It has since I was a child. The only thing that has changed is the kind of books I choose to read. And that changes with what’s going on in my life […]
READ MORE >>When you’re a product of Jada Pinkett-Smith and Will Smith it is impossible to not possible to SLAY! Willow Smith is the newest collaborator for Stance Socks and the new face or should I say feet in their “Miss Dazy” campaign.